Friday, February 1, 2013


This is my final copy.

First, I learned Paint Bucket tool. It changed all my primary layer.

I also learned brush tool and changed opacity and diameter.

Then, I typed my name and changed the parameters.

I copied my name letters and changed blending options.

This part was easy, but it took a very long time.

Because, I had to changed blending options each letter.

The hardest part was highlighting each letter using ellipse tool.

I pressed mouse click and clicked the mask layer botton but I didn't know how to highlight it.

I finally figured out how to highlight it. I added mask layer at my each letter and moved to ellipse layer.

Finally, I made bubbles.

I made about 6 bubbles. Making a bubble was easy, but it took a long time to change size, and made a copy.

I like my final copy!

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