Thursday, February 14, 2013

Grunge Portrait

The bottom one is my grunge portrait image.

First, I made stamp copy of the background and changed the layer to screen mode.

I made stamp copy again and change the blend mode to hard light.

Hard light mode made the layer really clear and vivid.

Then I painted the layer with brush tool.

I used black brush on the white layer, and used white brush on the black layer.

I used brush tool to highlight the forehead and cheeks.

Highlighting part was easy but it was confusing.

Because I did not know how this brush affected the final image later.

So I set the opacity down (30%~60%).

Also, I used high pass effect on my third layer.

It was hard to set best radius, so I just set average radius.

Then I added brightness/contrast and black&white effect.

I changed this effect carefully because it directly changed the man's skin color.

I painted the background and used white brush tool to highlight again.

Then I created new orange layer and sat opacity to 9%.

I used blur effect and changed the blend mode, too.

Finally, I used high pass effect again on my last layer and painted with white brush.

I used various layer mode effects and added adjustments to each layer.

I also painted the specific points to highlight the face.

Creating various effects was fun, but it was little confusing because of many stamp layers.

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