Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Refine Soft Edges

The bottom one is my new dog.

First, I selected the dog using magic wand tool.

It was little hard to select the exact shape of the dog.

Then, I cliked refine edge tool and made my background white so that I could see dog better.

I made my new radius to 4 px and brushed smoothly along the line of the fur of the dog.

This part was easy because I just followed the line around the dog.

Finally, I made some adjustments to my background.

I clicked inverse so I can made some adjustments only to my background.

I clicked Hue and Saturation, and then changed the color, lightness.

This part was interesting.

I like my final dog. The sky is now matches to my new dog and the fur of the dog looks more smooth.

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