Thursday, March 28, 2013

Marble bust_edit

I redesigned the marble bust project.

I used same effect to the statue and the pillar.

I made blood more carefully and added cracks and web brush.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ad campaign_edit

This is the edit version.

I added silhoutte to the person and made more gradient effect to the person.

I changed the blend mode of the clouds and track.

I changed the typography so that it looked more clear.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Advertisement Campaign

tutorial links:


The top one is my final copy.

First, I made the football player sillihoutte using number1 ipod tutorial.

Because the target audience is all ages, especially, athletics.

I used gradient tool to the body to show the effect of the energy drink.

The green gradient means energy.  I chose green color because green color appeals the feeling of

energetic and water.

I chose the sky the background. Then I made the clouds using a number2 tutorial.

I used color range and eyedropper tool. I added clouds to the sky and used eraser tool to fit to the sky.

Then, I added the track. I chose the track image because i thought that the track image is going

to appeal to the athletics. I wanted to show that this energy drink is necessary for the athletics.

I added my typography. The slogan is used my packaging design at last fall.

I thought the slogan also is going to appeal to the athletics. Athletics need energy drink while they are playing

the sports. I highlighted Energee because this is the product name.

I chose blue color because it goes well with the sky.

I chose this font because this is straight. I made the text layer to the middle of the layer.

I changed the blend mode of the text layer.(satin,inner glow..)

Then, I added the rain. I used number 3 tutorial. I used Blur,Noise,Level effect.

I added the rain because I wanted to show that this energy drink will give you energy right now as if

you will be wet as it rains.

Finally, I wanted the ad is clear appeal, so I merged all layers.

I made a stamp copy of the layer, then I changed the blend mode to soft light and changed the opacity

to 60%.

-Probably, I am gonna be absent on Friday, so I posted it now.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Marble Bust

This is my final copy.

First, I isolated the statue and my face, then sized appropriately.

Then, I desaturated my face, and made purple color face.

I learned new tool, Photo Filter tool. I clicked this effect, but I didn't see the effect clearly.

Then I added Rocky Texture and highlighted the statue with brush tool.

Isolation part was easy. Only I had to do is making a selection, selecting inverse, then deleting it.

The hardest part was making blood all over the statue.

I changed the opacity of brush tool, and brushed with white,red,black color.

It didn't look like real blood. It was hard to brush the blood and drips.

Finally, I added more textures. I added cracks texture, and web texture.

I used desaturate effect and Levels effect.

I could add cracks texture, but web texture didn't work.

When I use Levels effect, it didn't turn out like the tutorial.

So I couldn't add web texture.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Movie Poster_2

URL link:

The top one is my final image.

First, I should cut the soldier out of the background using the Pen tool and delete the background.

However, I could not make the selection using the Pen tool, so I just cut the soldier

using the Quick selection tool, then I copied into the new layer.

I have to learn more about Pen tool.

Then, I duplicated the sky image and set Adjustments-Black&White.

I copied the layer so that I could set the sky darker, and also made the soldier darker.

It was easy to change the adjustments but the final copy does not look like very dark sky.

I need to make sky darker...

I used new effect, Filter-Chrome to make the soldier look like he is wet.

It was easy to make effect, but I did not understand how I make the layer exactly fit in to soldier.

Then, I made rain using Noise, Blur effect, and new adjustments, Levels.

It did not look like real rain, although I changed the detail as the same as the tutorial.

So I changed the opacity of the layer lower and lower.

I made "war" texts.

I changed the layer style, but it did not turn out the same as the tutorial.

Finally, I made more texts above the soldier.

I did not add the texts under the soldier because I could not see the letter.