Thursday, September 27, 2012

Typography Test

I chose this quote because it makes me think that today is how important and valuable.

I wanted to choose a font which leans somewhat toward the left

when I made "Yesterday is history" because I want to express the past.

The past has already gone.

In contrast, I wanted a choose a font which leans somewhat to ward the right

when I made "Tomorrow is a mystery" because I want to expree the future.

The future will come soon.

When I made "Today is a gift", I would like to choose a font which is very straight and solid.

I made "today" is bold font.

The present is now.

In addition, I thought that gift and present are very important words in this quote.

These two words are the synonym and has same, wonderful meaning.

Present has two meaning, today and gift.

This is very fun.

I wanted to use warm color so that people can realize the meaning of this sentence easily.

Also, I made "why" big, because this word makes me feel wonder after words and pause a little.

I like this quote and made typography.

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