Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Glyphic monster

<Jina Kim>
Left: Glyphic monster /  Right:Original character
It's difficult to make a head and body because this character has so many circle lines.

I rotated each glyphic by a little bit to look like circle lines.

I made his glasses bigger, then it became very thick.

So i made outlines of his glasses smaller and inline of his glasses bigger.

I would like to express this charater's cute, tiny arms and short feet.

I put glyphic together and make arm and feet.

I thought that too many glyphics looks bad.

I put many glyphics but I made glyphics very smaller in front of the stomach.

The name of orginal character is "Pororo". Pororo is a penguin.

This is very famous and popular character in Korea.

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